DevTips: Use early returns to avoid nested conditions

December 12, 2019

As a developper, you will encounter some patterns you should identify as code smells. Most of them have well known solutions. Today I want to talk about using early returns to avoid else statements and nested conditions.

Let's take a example. I need to call a server to know if a person already exists in my database. The function that makes the call also return a loading indicator so I can inform the user.

render() {
const personToLookFor = 'Thierry'
const [result, loading] = doesPersonExists()
if (!loading) {
let message
if (result) {
message = `${personToLookFor} already exists.`
} else {
message = `${personToLookFor} doesn't exist.`
return message
} else {
return 'Loading...'

As you can see the nested conditions and if/else statements are hard to read. You don't really understand what does this piece of code at first glance. I bet you already run into this pattern before. Let's refactor this a bit to make it more maintainable!

If the call is still pending we can directly quit the function and display the loading indicator.

render() {
const personToLookFor = 'Thierry'
const [result, loading] = doesPersonExists()
if (loading) return 'Loading...'
let message
if (result) {
message = `${personToLookFor} already exists.`
} else {
message = `${personToLookFor} doesn't exist.`
return message

Isn't it a bit clearer? We can also get rid of the else statement by returning directly the message in the if statement.

render() {
const personToLookFor = 'Thierry'
const [result, loading] = doesPersonExists()
if (loading) return 'Loading...'
if (result) {
return `${personToLookFor} already exists.`
return `${personToLookFor} doesn't exist.`

It also removes the necessity to have a message variable. You're set 🙌

Hope it will help you!

Feedback is appreciated 🙏 Please tweet me if you have any questions @YvonnickFrin!

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Lead developer at Pix.
I'm NantesJS co-organizer on my spare time.

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